Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Step away from the ledge

In the past I have been in churches where I felt alone as a worship leader. It seemed as if I was the only creative force on a Sunday and had to work hard to hold it all together. Part of why I started this blog is to share with other worship leaders that we are not alone. We can step away from the ledge of loneliness. We are not alone. God places people in our churches and lives that are waiting to be a part of what God wants to do. We just have to get out of the way as worship leaders and be a part of the creative process.

I know it's hard but that's what it takes for a life changing worship time. Production, planning, implementing, music, dynamics, arrangements, and....oh yeah the Spirit's leading.....We can have a part in this as the worship leader..... It's okay...I know it's not easy but trusting your team is sometimes more important (in my opinion) than having it you way.