Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Worship of God

Here's the question... What do you focus on when creating a worship set?

There are probably alot of answers to this question but here's what I do....

Pre planning:
I emerse myself in worship music that moves me. Learning new worship songs and singing those with just me and a guitar is an amazingly intimate time between Jesus and me. I love to be with Him like that. it's a major reason I started playing an instrument at all. (I'm a singer by trade.)
I'm always looking for songs that make a strong point. Christian, or not...a song with a clear point that is positive is a strong tool in God's hand.
Researching churches, and other creative ideas...this can inspire you to think outside of your box. It's good to understand what's happening or what's not happening at churches in your area.

YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHAT THE MESSAGE IS FOR THAT DAY. If not you are truly guessing... Even the very minimun of the Title or Series Topic is vital.
I think creativity works best within boundries... If you have a topic you can work on a theme which creates a flow in the worship.

So who do I focus on while planning?? Churched people, Non churched people, Believers, or Non believers, young or old people, touchy feely or nonemotionals.....

I try to have a broad worship set that reaches all those groups, but builds from the prior gatherings. We are building on each week and teaching people what it means to worship God in a corporate setting. We are not a group of performers on Sunday although my good buddy Brad would say we have performance elements each week (which I agree with.) Maybe on other days of the week we can be that, but on Sundays we focus on Jesus.

Trust the Spirit's lead. Even with your preparation, planning, focus, flow, and practice trusting that God is going to do it is a freeing revelation. "the One who calls you is faithful and He will do it." 1Thess. 5:something

That's what I do. I am an encourager and I want to build people up to where God wants them. Anyway I can lead others toward Jesus is a huge blessing for me.