Friday, November 6, 2009

Peace be with You!!!

  • I recently read John 18 and 19.
  • These chapters tell of some of the pain and suffering Jesus went through for us.
  • I was amazed when i read that Jesus can knock over soliders with just his spoken words....(he said "I am He" and the soliders drew back and fell over)...
  • I was inspired when I read that Jesus was focused on God's will even when it's not going to be pleasant...(Jesus said "shall i not drink of the cup that the Father has for me)...
  • I was heartbroken when I read that soliders hit Jesus in the face...
  • I remembered old sermons from my Pastor Growing up (Jimmy Corbitt) when I read that Peter denied being a follower of Jesus...
  • I was completely amazed that Jesus would die for me...
  • I was so grateful for his focus that kept him on the cross...
  • I felt a connection when He asked John to take care of his mother Mary...(he was concerned for her and asked John to treat her like his own mother...)
  • When he died...I can't explain what that does to my heart...knowing what he went through for me...(Grace is getting something you can't earn or don't deserve...)
  • I didn't derserve that kinda love...He didn't deserve that punishment and that's love.
  • When the tomb was empty...I thought of the peace that I have in Jesus.
  • Peace be with You! That's what Jesus said to his followers after he was raised from the grave. Peace.
  • That's what we have...his Peace
  • So let His peace be with you today!!!
  • That's easier said than done sometimes...