Awesome Moment #2 and by the way these are not in order of importance...they are in stream of conciousness.....
#2 Chris Glick became our Volunteer Coordinator in 2009 and We had our first Volunteer Sunday on the first Sunday we were in the Parker Road Campus. I led with just a guitar, we had a great attendance and immediately went into Chris sharing our heartbeat about serving in DPC. He is such a motivator and it was a great leadership jump for our church. We had more people serving than we had attending at Peachtree (almost.) I think God used Chris to show our church that everyone can serve. We all have a place to serve, give, and grow at DPC. Great Day. I loved it!!!!!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
10 Awesome Moments at DPC 2009
Posted by I am david. at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Arts Information Last Sunday
Go tell it on the Mountain Big Daddy Weave version
Joy to the World (unspeakable Joy) Arranged by Chris Tomlin in D
Oh come all ye Faithful in G Third Day version
Hark the Herald Angels Sing in G
Philip speaks
How he loves
the first Noel Weezer version
Posted by I am david. at 7:27 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Arts Information Last Sunday
Angels We Have Heard On High (A) *****Not on Youtube************
Glory to God (B)
Never Let Go (B)
Posted by I am david. at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Discipline not Desire.
I was reminded of something God is teaching me this year. Now I know I should already be thinking of what God is teaching me, but for me life is crazy and fast. I go to work, and work can be really crazy. It takes a good 9-10 hours 5 days a week...which is pretty much the norm for anyone working in the real world. I have family which deserves time...i love my son, and my wife. I enjoy listening to Lisa's day, and playing mario cart with Ethan. He's really good at it...3 year old or not. He's good. I have church plans, schedules, practices, ...basically I have alot going on.
Well that is my reasons for forgetting about what God is teaching me at times.....I was trying to be convincing. Here's a quote i's discipline, not desire that get's us to our destinations...
I want to be a deeper follower, a more spirit led worship leader, a healthier dad and husband, a more inspirational leader, and so much more....but for me it all comes down to the basics.
Taking the time and spending it with Jesus. Discipline is my problem....desire has never been a problem for me.
Posted by I am david. at 6:13 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
Arts Information from Sunday
You lifted me out by chris tomlin
Welcome and focus
Remain in D starfield
Exalted (Yahweh) by chris tomlin Love is here by tenth ave north
You have been so good to me
Paul Baloche
Posted by I am david. at 6:12 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday Arts Info
Not to Us (B)
Highest and the Greatest (Bb)
Everything (B)
Yaweh (B)*********NEW*************
Salvation Is Here (B) We should know this by now.
Posted by I am david. at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I loved this teaching....
I read Mark Beeson's blog and I loved something that he learned from a conference....Here is the main idea "You're not tired from doing to much, you're tired from doing the wrong things..."
And the Bible supports this teaching....what a great post. You should read and subscribe to this guy's site.....
Mark Beeson
Posted by I am david. at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Mark Beeson
Friday, November 6, 2009
Peace be with You!!!
- I recently read John 18 and 19.
- These chapters tell of some of the pain and suffering Jesus went through for us.
- I was amazed when i read that Jesus can knock over soliders with just his spoken words....(he said "I am He" and the soliders drew back and fell over)...
- I was inspired when I read that Jesus was focused on God's will even when it's not going to be pleasant...(Jesus said "shall i not drink of the cup that the Father has for me)...
- I was heartbroken when I read that soliders hit Jesus in the face...
- I remembered old sermons from my Pastor Growing up (Jimmy Corbitt) when I read that Peter denied being a follower of Jesus...
- I was completely amazed that Jesus would die for me...
- I was so grateful for his focus that kept him on the cross...
- I felt a connection when He asked John to take care of his mother Mary...(he was concerned for her and asked John to treat her like his own mother...)
- When he died...I can't explain what that does to my heart...knowing what he went through for me...(Grace is getting something you can't earn or don't deserve...)
- I didn't derserve that kinda love...He didn't deserve that punishment and that's love.
- When the tomb was empty...I thought of the peace that I have in Jesus.
- Peace be with You! That's what Jesus said to his followers after he was raised from the grave. Peace.
- That's what we have...his Peace
- So let His peace be with you today!!!
- That's easier said than done sometimes...
Posted by I am david. at 5:15 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Arts Information Last Sunday
Nov 1
Everything Glorious in C David Crowder
Spring of Life in B Kristian Stanfield
Hiding Place in Bb capo 3 Starfield by Jon Neufield
Enamored performance In A Written by James and David
Beautiful the Blood in Db Steve Fee
Everlasting God in B
Posted by I am david. at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
John 14:6
Jesus answered "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except by Me."
What an inspiring verse....Jesus is the reason we worship. He has made a way for us to dance, to sing, to shout, to truly live. Sometimes it seems to simple. Life is a mess and for the answer to be so simple seems impossible. Can we truly find our way thru Jesus? Is he the truth was have been looking for? Can living in Jesus give us true Life? Well, Jesus would answer...Yes.
Posted by I am david. at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday Morning Quarterbacking...
- The Music was great this week!
- God never ceases to amaze me at what he can do with willing musicians....
- Coming in cold at 10:30 the music was flawless and God was worshipped.
- That's the goal. To worship Jesus and have a life changing experience with God.
- My hat's off to the band and production this week with making it a great Sunday.
- But that's what you get every week. Time and time again with people like this....true servants of God's mission.
- Holywood Theater was done and it looked awesome....although the music was loud in the gathering room...
- Attendance was back up and we pray for it to continue to go upward.
- We want to make a difference for Jesus and nothing can do that like a big group of Christ-followers!!!!!
- Men's Bible study was tonight and if you missed it, you missed out. We are going to study a great book. James. Every 2 weeks on Mondays @ 7:30pm.
- Later!!!
Posted by I am david. at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday Arts Info
Forever in A Chris Tomlin
Mighty to Save in A Hillsong
Jesus Messiah in A Chris Tomlin
Spring of Life in B Kristian Stanfield
Message the Hesitant Warrior
Empty Me in E capo 2 by Jeremy Camp (This song is about John 3:30 He must become greater I must become less) Very Easy To play....we will change this up a little bit....
No song at the End this Week!!!!! (Which by the way did not work....No energy)
Posted by I am david. at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
Monday Morning Quarterbacking...
- Well this Sunday we were blessed with the presence of Mike Young on the drums!!!
- Thanks Mike for worshiping with us this week.
- The band rocked which is always amazing when you think about the fact that we came in cold that morning.
- I am blessed with amazing musicians and I want more!!!!!
- God is going to use the worship arts at DPC to do amazing things and the MORE THE MO BETTER!!!
- New campuses, New churches, new ways of communicating God's freedom are coming....I just don't know when or how...but i know they are.
- This week was a record for the Parker Road Campus.....not the kinda record you brag about but I can truly tell you that I worshiped Jesus Christ.
- Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that as Worship Leader you are worshiping Jesus...I know that sounds crazy ( but those of you who lead know what I say....)
- Jeff "preached" on Sunday....I don't always use that term positively but he worked it...
- Production was solid this week and I really appreciated the hard work from Brad's team. I was reminded of days when I didn't have Brad leading production and I don't ever want to go back...
- So many people on vacation and some of our people were dealing with family loss....we should all pray for both....
- Psalm 27 The Lord is my light and my salvation--Whom then shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life--- of whom then shall I be afraid? I think that is verse one.
- Keep praising Jesus.....I will see you next week for the next installment of WARRIOR.
Posted by I am david. at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Arts Information Last Sunday
- All because of Jesus in C Steve Fee
- Breathe on me in C Todd Fields (this is a bad recording but you get the idea)
- How He loves in C David Crowder version
- Amazed in F Jared Anderson (we are going to slow this down alot but you can get an idea from this)
- Let Your Mercy Rain in B Chris Tomlin
Posted by I am david. at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Leadership Wisdom
Chuck Swindoll.
1. It's lonely to lead
2. It's dangerous to succeed
3. It's hardest at home
4. It's essential to be real
5. It's painful to obey
6. Brokenness and failure are necessary
7. My attitude is more important than my actions
8. Integrity eclipse image
9. God's way is always better than my way
10. Christ-likeness begins and ends with humility
Posted by I am david. at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
This Past Sunday...
- God has been good to us at Discover Point Church.
- We are making an impact in this community.
- Philip shared this week about improving your home by treating your kids as a gift from God.
- they are a stewardship.
- hey you need to come this week...Jeff is speaking and always does a great job sharing.
- I am looking forward to it.
- This week's been long and I am tired so I am going to leave it at that this week. See you Sunday.
Posted by I am david. at 5:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Wow!!! Not enough time in the day to blog...sorry it's been so long. Okay...I have been learning about how radical Jesus was. Think about this....he claimed that he was the Son of God and to be treated equal with God to the Jewish people. The Jews had alot of rules and laws to follow which helped them remain clean before a Holy Jesus claimed to be equal with that Holiness. the First Commandment is thou shalt not have any gods before me...and Jesus was claiming to God.
Now that is bold. He claimed and later proved that God the father had placed all judgment with the Son and that if you honor the son you honor the father. I can understand why the religious people were upset with him. He was turning their religion upside down in their mind.
Insight of the Day --- Sin can ensnare has cords that will tangle up your life.
Posted by I am david. at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
This is the Day
This is the Day that God has's a choice to rejoice in it. Maybe it's the day that God calls you into his service. Maybe it's the day that you meet your future wife or husband. Maybe it's the day that your child is born. maybe it's the day that your child passes away. Maybe it's automatically joyful or Maybe we have to make a choice. The bible says "this is the day that the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it." This verse is a beautiful example of why the bible is so amazing. This verse is so simple, but takes on a whole different meaning with each life experience. I love that about God's word.
Posted by I am david. at 8:00 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
Monday Morning Quarterbacking...
- This Week was Amazing at DPC!!!!
- The band rocked it out and started with Starfield.
- Chris and Kenna welcomed us to church in a very unique way. If you missed it too bad. Catch it another time.
- Maybe Brad will place it on youtube?
- Don't do it!!! so funny Sorry if you missed it.
- Philip nailed it this week with pursuing your spouse and getting some accountability in our lives.
- Next week is another Home Improvements Series....about Finances.
- We all need wisdom from the Bible about finances. You gotta come and and participate.
- on a side note a New Blog coming!!!! A blog about the Creative Process at Discover Point.
- It's coming soon.
Posted by I am david. at 8:00 AM 1 comments
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Arts Information Last Sunday
Great in All the Earth by Starfield
Wholly Yours by David Crowder Band
Beautiful Jesus by Kristian Stanfield
Rescue by Hillsong United
Never Let Go by Matt Redman
Posted by I am david. at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
4 years this Past Sunday!!!!
The Staff during a 11-6 win Sunday at the park.
- What a journey we have had at Discover Point Church.
- This Sunday was awesome.
- The band came out with Revelation by Third day and Archer nailed it.
- the Service was transitioned awesome which gave us almost too much time.
- Production and the band worked well together this week
- Philip shared that in the future God has some amazing Plans for us. 2 services, community projects, online outreaches, global domination ...(just kidding about that last one)
- We are at the beginning of something huge and passionate for Jesus.
- I am so glad that God has called me here to lead and serve.
- What's next for us???? Well trust me you will be a big part of it if you open up to what God has for you here at DPC.
Posted by I am david. at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
Arts Information Last Sunday
Revelation by Third Day
For Your Name by Hillsong
Remain by Starfield
God of this City by Chris Tomlin
I want to Love You by Todd Fields
Posted by I am david. at 6:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Here is Oliver the Son of Dewayne and Brandi Dorsey. He is precious and Lisa took some awesome pictures that you should look at. And Ethan is below him with his conductor's cap on. Both are the first born sons of their fathers and are more precious than any other person in the world to their Daddys. Which brings me to a point I've been thinking about......
It is 100% clear to me that God wants all of me. when I read the Bible I see people that gave 100% even to the point of death for Jesus. I don't see that fire as much anymore in followers. I know for myself that God wants me to rely on him daily. He wants to be my food, my daily bread (Proverbs 30.) So why is it so hard to be 100% for Him? It seems that what is most basic (reading the Bible daily, praying, meditating) are the most difficult for me. I can work entire days, building teams, lead meetings, teach truths, and build relationships, but the most basic part of following Jesus is the most hard. Now why is that?
He did not give his son on the cross so that I could be a kinda good Christian. I need to step it up.
Posted by I am david. at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
Monday Morning Quarterbacking...
- Another week of remembrance that led us to the Lord's Supper.
- It's amazing to remember what Jesus has given for us.
- what can we give to him???
- How can we take that next step of maturity for him?
- What is it?????
- The Music was a little more intimate this week which is nice every once in a while.
- Cole, James, and Lisa all rocked the acoustic set and We sang of the Father's love for us....
- Holywood was quick for me since I needed to get back into the service for the Lord's supper!!!!
- Production was amazing this week and Joe knocked it out of the park with Propresenter....
- What an amazing team we have working here at DPC.
- It's kinda funny when you think about the number of people that work together to draw this community to Jesus.
- We work hard, sometimes long hours in order to have smooth transitions, smart creative content, Biblical truths, and passionate worship.....all the work is in not (ourselves) being noticed BUT WE WANT PEOPLE TO NOTICE JESUS and be drawn to Him by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Philip is back and led some trivia which was funny and James Greene rocked out the Beverly Hill Cop theme.....(which the lighting was awesome during!!!)
- 4 years and we are really just beginning!!!!!
- STaff versus Volunteers football game at the Park across the street.
- Picnic starts at 1pm!!! the Service beings at 10:30am!!!!!!
- I hope to see you there.
Posted by I am david. at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sunday Arts Info....
Beverly Hills Cop Theme
Son of God by Todd Fields
How Deep the Fathers Love for us
A greater Song by Paul Baloche
Exalted (Yahweh) by Chris Tomlin
Noone like our God by David Walker
Posted by I am david. at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Are hand motions your thing??? Do you love to sing songs to God in front of children while leading hand motions??? Let me know....I need you in Holywood on Sundays//......
Posted by I am david. at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Kids Jamm 2009!!!!
Kids are amazing!!!!! They look at life with fresh eyes! I think that's why we love to watch them. They can make looking at a popcorn maker an amazing event.
Posted by I am david. at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 31, 2009
The Road Ahead
A beautiful post by My wife Lisa. She is gifted in so many ways and this post blessed my heart....
Posted by I am david. at 6:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Monday Morning Quarterbacking...
- Jeff knocked it out of the park!!!! You have to listen to this podcast.
- The band started with "don't you forget about me" very good
- RETRO is in full swing and I think this series reminds us the basic of being a Christ Follower!!!
- Worship is so important and Jeff shared that we need to lift our hands in praise but also remember to kneel in surrender to God and his will for our lives. Great stuff.
- another big attendance today even when alot of people are out of town.....what in the world are we gonna do on Sept 13 our 4 year Anniversary?????
- Oh and you need to be there!!!! Flag football the staff versus the volunteers best.....
- Anyways next week is going to be another week of remembering what it means to be a follower.....communion and a worshipful set....
- Philip is going to be back from Bosnia and will be leading us....
- Thanks and I am going to sleep....
- Oh and Kids Jamm was so amazing I can't even say enough about it.
- We gave out alot of cotton candy, snow cones, and was all good.
Posted by I am david. at 5:53 PM 0 comments
Arts Information today....Retro is the Series!!!
Don't you forget about me - Simple Minds
Glory to God- Fee Band
Hands of the Healer- John Waller or Eddie Kirkland
Majesty- Charlie Hall
Message in a bottle the Police
We are in a series about getting getting back to the basics of being a Christ follower!!!! We remember the 80s and here is the song set from this day.
Brien Duke worship leader
Posted by I am david. at 5:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sunday was Amazing!!!!
- I can't say enough about what God is doing at DPC. We are so blessed.
- So much happened this week!! Great video created by a great guy.
- The best media we have ever done!!!
- The band was kickin Starting off with Greg and Jason jamming preservice.
- Brien led off with Happy day and the Sunday was then interrupted!!!!
- Interrupted with about 30 kids singing and dancing on stage and saying a big thank you for all you do!!!!
- It's also a week that we focus on what we can do as a church for the community.
- Did you get a water bottle to hand out to a friend??? Little things done with big love can change a person's world.
- Philip is leaving for bosnia to be with some dear friends of ours....Ed and Monica Siddle.
- What in the world is RETRO????
- Kids Jamm was amazing last week. We have so much follow up to do with the kids because 18 made decisions to follow Jesus....!!!!
- Trista is doing an amazing job with our kids. We are lucky to have her!!!
- We are having big time inflatables this sunday night for our last Kids Jamm!!!!! Be there!
Posted by I am david. at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Arts Information Last Sunday
Instrumental Guitar Solo - Original Greg King
Happy Day by Tim Hughes
Everlasting God by Chris Tomlin
Amazing Grace (my chains are gone) arranged by Chris Tomlin
Beautiful The Blood by Fee band
Reign in us by Starfield
Check out this songs on you-tube and support the arts that write this wonderful music.
Posted by I am david. at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Monday Morning Quarterbacking...
- Sunday was an amazing day!!!!
- I am so encouraged when I see new families connecting into our church...
- Last week of iGod.....this series was a great blessing to our church!!!!!! We all need to remember to be God's way to easy to become ifocused.
- Brien led on sunday and what an amazing job of leading our church into worship!!!
- The band always rocks and I had the opportunity to be in the crowd and I see the impact we have up there!!!!
- If you have not told a production team member or band member you appreciate what they do at DPC YOU SHOULD DO THAT SOON.
- This Friday we honor our volunteers. dinner and entertainment. We place a high value on service at Discover Point.
- We believe that God grows us spiritually when we serve Him.
- Tuesday is Poker Night at dpc. 7pm and bring some food with you if you come. Prizes for 1st and 2nd place.
- Kids Jamm has been awesome. The kids are loving it and I think it's going really well.
- Bring your kids next week.
- This Pictures's from Saturday's Lakewild Wood swim!!!!!!
Posted by I am david. at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Interesting leadership Idea...
Leading people should be exhausting if it takes no effort then it's not really leading.
Posted by I am david. at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Monday Morning Quarterbacking...
- This was an amazing week at Discover Point!!!!!
- We had a big crowd this week and the Band rocked it!!!!
- I can say even though I am biased.
- Standby played before the service and I think James and Greg both did an amazing job!!!!!!!
- I am blessed with great talent at this church and we are hoping to keep adding more musicians that want to worship God.
- Lisa and Ethan were out of town so I kinda felt like I used to back in the day.....which just means lonely and boring...haha
- Kids Jamm started and our music/hand motion team did a great job with very little practice.
- although I lost one me
mber at the beginning....I'm not sure where he hid at. jk
- Philip nailed the message according to Jeff and I usually try to believe what Jeff says...he's smartified.
- I am so thankful for Cole and Matt who rocked "by your side" by Tenth Ave North.
- Thanks guys we will be hearing from those young guys again soon.
- All in all God moved in an amazing way this past Sunday and I hope we continue to see Him moving.....
- Sometimes we just need to get out of the way of what God is doing and pay attention to where and what He needs for us to do....
Posted by I am david. at 7:04 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sunday's Arts Info
- Scenes by Charlie Hall
- Let me sing by Todd Fields
- Remain by Starfield
- Faithful by Kristian Stanfill
- By your Side by Tenth Avenue North
- The Old Rugged Cross arranged by Standby
Discover Point Church
Posted by I am david. at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Smiley's Fleamarket in Macon, GA
What things in your life are important to you? I have alot of things that mean alot to me. My wife and friends/family helped get me a song writer's my dream guitar that I could never means lot to me....I started thinking about STUFF. and i was in Macon, GA this weekend and stopped by Smiley's fleamarket....amazing place. over a mile of people trying to sell STUFF. some of it junk, some of it kinda cool but still I have never seen so much stuff in one place in all my life. I can't wait to hear how Philip communicates about the need for stuff that we have in America....
I took some video of smiley's for your enjoyment...It's a different world in there..
Posted by I am david. at 4:33 PM 2 comments
Labels: Smiley's Fleamarket
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Compliments and Criticisms
By the way, if you are criticized for the wrong reasons take it as a compliment. And if you are complimented for the wrong reasons take it as a criticism.
Posted by I am david. at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
This past Sunday....
- Daniel McCullers led worship and it was amazing.
- If you missed Sunday you missed Dan because he is back at Liberty now...and he will be missed. ALOT!!!!!!
- His hair was awesome Sunday and when he sang...i think he sounded just like Bono!!!! well not really but it was rockin!
- I hear Philip nailed the message about focusing and I could tell by our people's responses that God spoke this past week.
- I was in with the kids for Holywood....and we had a good time. So good in fact I almost went too long and a big thanks for Jeremy for reminding me to leave.....thanks dude
- Trista is leading this and she is doing a great job getting everything together.
- I was able to sit out in the crowd today and really see what it's like..since I'm always on stage one way or another.
- I think it was very beneficial for me as a worship leader to experience what our people do.
- The band is amazing and practice was awesome.
- this Week iGod continues and Philip is gonna rock it. Can't wait for it!!!!
- later....keep praying for Lisa and I we certainly have needed the energy from you guys.
- I had to add this picture of Ethan from our beach trip...too cute!!!!
Posted by I am david. at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Invite pole
I'm not sure if this is true for DPC but I got the info from church marketing check it out sometime.
Posted by I am david. at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 31, 2009
God has gifted some with abilities. For some that ability is singing, song writing, leading, playing, creating art or video or graphics, dancing, .....for some God has given the gift of the arts to share his love through. It's a powerful medium. There is power in a professional video that shares God's power over addiction. There is inspiration in a perfectly placed, and arranged song. There are life changing moments when God uses the arts for his reasons.
I am praying about how to use all the people and resources God wants me to. This is not an easy task...which I am sure those of you who lead worship or lead music ministries can agree with...
I am not a very emotional person. I have always been separated from my feelings...except when it comes to Jesus. A song, a poem, a picture, a strong word from God can bring tears from my eyes and change to my heart better than anything else. "My God brings my darkness to light" He is faithful and he will inspire, and bring about change in lives....we have to be open and prepared.....or should I say prepared and open.....
Posted by I am david. at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Monday Morning Quarterbacking...
- This was my first week back and I played drums...which I am not good at.
- The band was awesome and we are bringing more and more people into the mix....
- Jamie Campbell played with us this week.
- I am so thankful for the talent and skills God has brought our way at Discover Point and I pray for more!!!!!!!
- The band rocked this week. Brien is such a great friend and great lead worshipper.
- This was the last week of So You're Dead now What? Heaven was the subject.
- What a hope we have in Jesus Christ. Heaven is waiting for you....
- Daniel painted during the service and I heard alot of good stuff about it..
- Alot of people were out of town but we still have a good group.
- All in all this Sunday was good. The subject matter was awesome....and decisions were made to follow Jesus Christ...which is why DPC is here.
- for events and media....
- Thanks to everyone for continued prayers and thoughts.
Posted by I am david. at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Ethan's confession
Ethan is such a funny kid. I thought I would share this with you guys.
Posted by I am david. at 12:10 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Discover Point Church
Posted by I am david. at 8:59 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Posted by I am david. at 6:20 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
Back to work today!!!
I was back at work today. It's amazing how the place just keeps on rolling if you are there or not. That's the hotel business. People come in to town and out in a few days. Some people are nice, some can trash a room, some eat take a few extra muffins for the road from the hot breakfast, some leave without eating a bite.... today my brain was not in it. I guess I really don't know how this loss is going to effect me. I found myself day dreaming and then coming back out of my Noah thoughts.... I have a sadness inside. I don't know what I would do without Lisa or Ethan. they give me something to take care of. And I don't know what I would do without faith in Jesus Christ. Never have I understood how amazing it is to be a follower than through the death of my child.
I trust His promises even harder than ever before.
Great song: Matt Redman's I cling to the cross
Posted by I am david. at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Noah David Collinsworth
Noah was born on July 7, 2009 and died sometime before that in the womb. I can't really understand everything that happened Monday night and Tuesday Morning. We spent 7 months dreaming about what Noah would look like, what Ethan would say about his new brother, how we would pay for him, what daycare he would be in, and dreams of how life was going to change from 1 perfect baby boy to 2 perfect baby boys. All those dreams disappeared in about 5 seconds. Life will never be the same for us. We are so thankful to have Ethan. He cheers us up and reminds us that he is not going anywhere. In fact he has been acting out to get our attention in the evenings. I think He knows how sad his mama is.
Tanner, my dog never sits next to Lisa. He always comes by me because we are buddies. He has taken every chance he can to be close to Lisa. We have received so much food it's amazing. It really helps alot. It's kinda exciting to see what's coming each night. I never understood how important that is until now.
I want to take a moment to brag on my wife Lisa. She has been so strong during this time. Not afraid to say goodbye. Not afraid to grieve with others. Not afraid to withstand the pain of a c-section. Not afraid to come home. She is amazing.
Proverbs 16:9 "9 In your heart you plan your life.
But the Lord decides where your steps will take you."
We didn't plan on going this direction. God decides the direction....
Posted by I am david. at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
House of Collinsworth Blog
- We have added the story of our baby to House of Collinsworth blog.
- Listen to the song Hello, Goodbye by Michael W Smith. It is amazing. for directions.
Posted by I am david. at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Worship of God
Here's the question... What do you focus on when creating a worship set?
There are probably alot of answers to this question but here's what I do....
Pre planning:
I emerse myself in worship music that moves me. Learning new worship songs and singing those with just me and a guitar is an amazingly intimate time between Jesus and me. I love to be with Him like that. it's a major reason I started playing an instrument at all. (I'm a singer by trade.)
I'm always looking for songs that make a strong point. Christian, or not...a song with a clear point that is positive is a strong tool in God's hand.
Researching churches, and other creative ideas...this can inspire you to think outside of your box. It's good to understand what's happening or what's not happening at churches in your area.
YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHAT THE MESSAGE IS FOR THAT DAY. If not you are truly guessing... Even the very minimun of the Title or Series Topic is vital.
I think creativity works best within boundries... If you have a topic you can work on a theme which creates a flow in the worship.
So who do I focus on while planning?? Churched people, Non churched people, Believers, or Non believers, young or old people, touchy feely or nonemotionals.....
I try to have a broad worship set that reaches all those groups, but builds from the prior gatherings. We are building on each week and teaching people what it means to worship God in a corporate setting. We are not a group of performers on Sunday although my good buddy Brad would say we have performance elements each week (which I agree with.) Maybe on other days of the week we can be that, but on Sundays we focus on Jesus.
Trust the Spirit's lead. Even with your preparation, planning, focus, flow, and practice trusting that God is going to do it is a freeing revelation. "the One who calls you is faithful and He will do it." 1Thess. 5:something
That's what I do. I am an encourager and I want to build people up to where God wants them. Anyway I can lead others toward Jesus is a huge blessing for me.
Posted by I am david. at 6:48 AM 0 comments
This past Sunday
- The band is awesome!!!
- Even when we come in cold we still rock it for Jesus.
- I am thankful for each person that plays on Sundays and i pray that God increases that number..
- This sunday Perry Noble shared that God is here!!!!! and He's right.
- He became sin who knew no sin that we might become the righteousness of God!!!
- I know it's a little played out but I like that fact that "we win" as followers!!!!
- Production rocked it this week....
- We all work together for the common goal of sharing Jesus with our community.
- We had alot of visitors and alot of regulars out of town.....
- Philip shares next week about God is....grace.
- Play groups are going great
- Discover Kids is gonna be pumped this week!!!!! New things in that area...and for your information.....
- Almost half our church this past sunday was 12 and under!!!! Kinda scarey.
Posted by I am david. at 5:22 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Leaders Vs Managers
Here is a portion of Tony Morgan's Blog.... I like should read the whole thing!!!!!
- In their book First, Break All the Rules, Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman defined both roles like this:
- Managers – “Great managers look inward. They look inside the company, into each individual, into the differences in style, goals, needs, and motivation of each person. These differences are small, subtle, but great managers need to pay attention to them. These subtle differences guide them toward the right way to release each person’s unique talents into performance.”
- Leaders – “Great leaders look outward. They look out at the competition, out at the future, out at alternative routes forward. They focus on broad patterns, finding connections, cracks, and then press home their advantage where the resistance is weakest. They must be visionaries, strategic thinkers, activators. When played well, this is, without doubt, a critical role. But it doesn’t have much to do with the challenge of turning one individual’s talents into performance.”
Posted by I am david. at 7:10 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Actual Sunday Quarterbacking....
- What an amazing day at Discover Point Church.
- We worshiped God today.
- One Prayer with Craig G. from was a great speaker.
- God is Father!!!! And he is patient..
We sang a new song today and Brien did an great job leading it.
- We have freedom in what Christ has done for us.
- And what an amazing Baptism party we had last week.
- 12 people got Baptized with a few more that will get dunked next time.
- It's an exciting time to be a part of DPC.
- This is a picture from 2 weeks ago and I really like it.
- Production had the intelligent lights going today and they added alot to the mood of worship.
- I am sure Philip is missing speaking this month so I can't wait to hear what he is going to say God is......
- Another GREAT attendance today...
- Poker on tuesday and open mic on Friday both at the church.
- email me if you want to get involved!!!!!!
- later guys!!!!
- I have another "WHAT i THINK ABOUT YOU" moment coming soon.....
Posted by I am david. at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
What I think about you...
Here is a what I think about you moment.... There are people in your life that help you along and make you a better person...Daniel McCullers is one of those people in my life.
Daniel is our Summer Intern at Discover Point Church. He is staying at Jeff's house (our admin pastor.) So call him to see when the next big party is!!!!! Just kidding Jeff.
We are having him clean up things at the church, and make things, he has been with production for a few weeks, and then played with the band for a week, he is going to do every thing there is to do here. He is a student at Liberty university and is studying worship arts (i think that is what it's called.) He is a great guitar player, song writer, and just an all around creative person.
I have known Daniel for years and years!!! I can honestly say that my life is better for having known him. Good guy. Lisa and I call him our son away at college... Daniel was a candle lighter in my wedding. He and another guy walked down the aisle side by side and started lighting the thousands of candles (an small exageration) we had in our wedding. Daniel could not get one candle lite. He tried for 10 minutes, then finished the candles and came back and tried again for what seemed like an hour. The other guys had finished way before daniel and then just walked off and left him out there... it was a kinda funny story that I have on him so I thought...why not share it. Just watching him so intensely trying to light 1 candle infront of 200 people was hillarious!!! And by the way he never got it lite.
Posted by I am david. at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Sunday Lookback
I'm so late looking at Sunday this week that I had to rename my post....
(picture is from Todd Fields new CD)
- Brien shared from the book of Romans on Sunday and completely led me into worship of Jesus.
- We had a ton of people there and I pray that continues.
- I love that guy and he can truly rock on Sundays.
- The music was great and the entire band seemed to mesh (if that's truly a word.)
- on a Side note I am at work today and I just talked to a really dumb head.
- Those kinda people are not the kind you want to see this early in the morning.
- Anyways..... We had a world renowned speaker at our church this morning!!!!
- Andy Stanley....through video for ONE PRAYER.
- It's exciting to be a part of praying with thousands of churches for God to change something.....
- Connections cards were not used this week and I need to figure out another way to get the info from the people.
- I am thinking add it with an event sheet....Brad is making one I think.
- One young man this week decided to follow Christ!
- Baptism Celebration this week on Sunday from 3- whenever! Almost 20 getting dipped.
- and FREE FOOD!!!! (If you call hotdogs food.)
- I think we need to bring chips or a drink with you when you come....
- We are still constantly working through sound issues, monitor issues, tv monitor issues, lighting deals, programming, planning, videos making, band scheduling, and ect.
- I can't wait for this week at Discover Point.....Leading Worship is such a blessing for me. I love singing about what Jesus has done, and leading his people closer to Him.
- seeyalater.
Posted by I am david. at 7:15 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Step away from the ledge
In the past I have been in churches where I felt alone as a worship leader. It seemed as if I was the only creative force on a Sunday and had to work hard to hold it all together. Part of why I started this blog is to share with other worship leaders that we are not alone. We can step away from the ledge of loneliness. We are not alone. God places people in our churches and lives that are waiting to be a part of what God wants to do. We just have to get out of the way as worship leaders and be a part of the creative process.
I know it's hard but that's what it takes for a life changing worship time. Production, planning, implementing, music, dynamics, arrangements, and....oh yeah the Spirit's leading.....We can have a part in this as the worship leader..... It's okay...I know it's not easy but trusting your team is sometimes more important (in my opinion) than having it you way.
Posted by I am david. at 7:40 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Listening to God
Now this is a tough subject. How do you listen to God? As a worship leader and Pastor I have never actually heard God tell me to make this decision. But I can say that I know what God wants me to do alot of the time. Through prayer, and the Bible, and listening to other followers God speaks to me. Through other worship leaders, and song writers God speaks to me. I can see His movement at our church through these areas. The fact that we are going to be baptizing almost 15 people at our baptism celebration is God speaking to us.
Let's keep our ears open. I had an instance recently where God started speaking to me. He used my wife...which when Lisa has something to say about anything in my life I listen because she is an expert on all things david. God has used her many times and he spoke through her on this case. Then a buddy gave me some guidance on the same subject, Then I was given motivation from disrespect that I believe God used to push me. (I need that sometimes ya know.)
So this is where I stand......Listening and waiting for God's next word to me....what could it be and where will I go? Fishing with E again maybe??
Posted by I am david. at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
Monday Morning Quarterbacking...
- Jeff knocked another one out of the park this week!!!!!!
- He closed up this series with the idea that we need to prioritize to give!!!!!
- To the church, to charities, to those in need....
- Standby played today and I think we rocked...although I am sure my perspective is biased.
- James killed it when he sang about our ticket home!!!!!!
- I cannot say enough about our church and direction we are moving in.
- God is doing amazing things...
- On a side note I am going to try to work him like crazy this summer.
- He is talented so much and his fresh eyes will help us tighten up.
- I am so tired after Sunday....I just have way too much going on and it is getting to me a little.
- But this week I am going to be able to spend some time with Ethan which always make me happy.
- What a great kid. And I can't wait to see what the next one is going to be like.
- Production did an awesome job (Brad's Blog for details)
- Philip and his wife's baby girl came over the weekend and she is so precious.
- God is good and has added to their family.
- I can't wait to see what God has for our family and church in these next months.
- Next week we see which Children's director candidate will win???????
Posted by I am david. at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Late Monday Morning Quarterbacking...
- Play Groups are starting in June....get into one that interests YOU.
- Jeff shared this week and nailed it!!!! I must say this was the best I have ever heard him speak and I can't wait until I get to hear him again.
- The Good News is you are rich and the Bad News is you are rich....
- How many of us spend our lives running after tickets to buy 30 dollar yo-yos?
- You have got to visit TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO GO HERE!
- Brian Mathews joined the band this week and added an acoustic flavor to our sound on the congas. Great Job and thanks.
- We had a laid back feel this week, which is almost opposite of our normal strong exciting sound.
- I personally love more quiet and intimate moments but I am over 30 I am getting too old to jam all the time.
- Philip was out of town up at Liberty.
- He serves on a board that plants hundreds of churches every year.
- We continue to dive into "How to be rich" this week!!!!
- This is good stuff....
- And for those that saw our Satan interview............HILARIOUS.
- He doesn't cheat on his taxes...he uses TurboTax.
- visit our other staff blogs....
- Brad's Blog Brien's Blog I would put Philip's up here but there's no point...jk
Posted by I am david. at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
What I think about you.....
Here is a what I think about you moment.... There are people in your life that help you along and make you a better person...and Brien Duke is one of those people in my life. Here's what got me thinking about him this week......
I was watching some old videos with Lisa yesterday and we stumbled upon alot of Ethan which is understandable because he is to cute not to video. We also found some older worship times at Discover Point. This was back when we were at the movie theater and you think it's loud now at Parker Road, well we used to turn it all up at the movie theater and gave no thought to hearing loss if you know what I mean. I noticed that Brien had gained a little over the years which makes me happy for obvious reasons. And i thought about how thankful I am have Brien as a lead worshipper at DPC. God has given and moved us over the years and I am thankful for each person that has given into our church through worship or production but Brien is a very special person in my life. It's amazing to look back and see how much God has used Brien at our church. He is a gifted worship leader and has been an answered prayer in my life from the beginning of our friendship.
I am adding a picture of Brien and me. He is a great guy and make sure to tell him on Sunday that he is awesome!!!
Posted by I am david. at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Play Groups
Posted by I am david. at 6:25 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Worship + One
Worship + One is a concept that we encourage all members of Discover Point Church to apply.
We decided along time ago to do a few things well and Sunday Morning is our main outreach.
WORSHIP ---- We have put alot of time, energy, and money into our Sunday Morning Environment. We want everyone in Rockdale/Newton Counties to come!!!! We try to be creative, innovative, topical, relevant, biblical, and exciting in our series content. We spend alot of money and time to make it happen through material for Discover Kids, Nursery equipment, Java point coffee bar stuff, lighting, technology, audio/visual, and THE BUILDING ITSELF IS STICKIN' EXPENSIVE.... We do this well. Our Sunday Morning Environment rocks!!!!! The volunteers that make it happen all rock!!!!! God is doing something on Sunday Mornings on Parker Road!!! No doubt about that.
We want to create a place that unchurched people can't wait to come to...and Sunday Moring is it.
+ ONE ---- We also don't want our members to be at church all the time. Pick one other thing to get involved with at Discover Point Church. After + one.... go and coach your kids little league, or get involved in a local book out in the you are in the community let people know either through actions or words (hopefully both) that you are a Christ-follower and that you LOVE Discover Point Church...
Our idea is attend church, serve somewhere and get involved in the community. We can do more good for God being involved than keeping to ourselves inside a little church country club!!@!!!
Posted by I am david. at 11:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 30, 2009
- Assimilation; the state of being assimilated; people of different backgrounds come to see themselves as part of a larger community.
Like during the summer we are starting Play Groups; this is a neat concept. You get together with a group of people around a fun activity and hang out.
As a church we have many ways for new attenders to get involved and that's the way it should be. it takes alot of people to make a difference in a community.
My brain is full of ideas that will help connect people with our church and Jesus.
Posted by I am david. at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
- What an amazing day at Discover Point Church!!! God showed up and the new building to going to be an awesome tool in His hands.
- Brad and production worked so hard over these few weeks to get us set and what a payoff today.
- Brien Duke rocked "ordinary" and the entire band pumped up the crowd.
- Our gathering worshiped Jesus this morning and sang in a new way today.
- I can't explain exactly what's happening but we most certainly have momentum to reach Conyers was a radical message.
- I know this is a little self serving but Standby rocked Parker Road on Saturday Night!!!!
- I could not believe how amazing we sounded on Saturday Night.....
- I hope to have more bands from the community to play at Parker Road Campus.
- Anyone know any bands here locally?
- Back to Sunday....."welcome to our church" was strong and shares alot of our core vaules...
- If you didn't see it ask Brad to play it for you on Sunday!!!!
- It was another record attendance for our church....somewhere around 120 which is up almost double from a few months ago.
- So many new people getting involved and serving.
- That's why I helped start this church!!!
- sorry for the all caps above this sentence will balanced it out.
- There is still so much to figure out but our church has an opportunity to make an impact for Jesus.
- Philip shared our DNA one cares about what you look like. The reason Discover Point church does what it does is to connect people to God and to other followers.
- Wear your jeans or wear your suit...I don't care, but I pray and hope you have experience the Love of God through Jesus Christ.
- Next week we move forward toward becoming a church that is an UNSTOPPABLE force.
- Discover Point Church.... see you next sunday if not maybe at a softball game.
Posted by I am david. at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
Monday Morning Quarterbacking...
- Great day at DPC today!!!! God is doing some crazy stuff!!!
- Alot of new people are showing up.
- Philip did a great job sharing our heartbeat at Discover Point.
- I can't wait to get back next week and rock out.
- I'm playing drums next week so be ready to be amazed.
- Brien always leads our church deeper and I am excited for him to lead next week.
- Volunteer training was GREAT! Chris stepped up and showed tremendous leadership this week.
- If you have not met Chris Glick and his amazing family you need to put that on your to do list this week.
- We had alot of people to sign up for different areas of ministry at Discover Point.
- Can't wait to see what's next.
Posted by I am david. at 4:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
Playing to strengths.
My Life has been very busy these days getting ready to move into Parker rd, conducting the wedding of 2 different couples, Lisa being pregnant, and playing in a community band ( At times I feel a bit helpless because I am not really gifted in construction and have not helped out that much over at Parker road. I find that playing to my strengths is a good way for me to stay engaged where God has me. I think that is important to play to your strengths. Philip is gifted at alot of things. Raising money for this ministry, networking, pulling teams together to get a job done. Brad our media guy is great at working out the mechanics of services, events, and outreach ideas. Brien is a gifted worship leader and knows instinctively how to structure the flow of worship during services. Jeff is a dot connector for us. More on dot connectors in another post.
Even Jesus didn't try to do it all himself. He had 12 guys who were gifted in different areas and then gave the commission that we would do greater things..... If we are going to impact placing gifted people in the right spot is essential.
I spoke
Posted by I am david. at 1:12 PM 0 comments